
Scan Top 1% startups. Get Portfolio Consulting, Startup eval & Technology Screening.

Benefit from our world-class, "Consulting, Product & Tech expertise."

Our Δ

360 Eval

Understand how to discover pain & match 10x value.

1% Selection

Learn how to create, Validate & execute value quickly.

Identify Value ?


Screened Co's.

Identify Tech Disruptors.

Complete 360 Evaluation.

Identify the Value creators & Future Unicorns.

Investment Services


Founders Screening
Synergy Evaluation
Capability Assessment
Stakeholder Review
Customers Feedback


Market Impact
Business Model
IP barriers
Agility & Metrics
Product Roadmap

Tech Stack

Technology Screening
Algorithm Claim Audit
Tech Scalability Eval
Tech Asset Eval


Financial checks
Legal Checks
Growth Analysis
Inspections & Audits
Customer Feedback

Observe, Validate, Invest.


Consult, for Value Discovery


Mentored 300+ Startups. Industry Experts, experienced with Fortune 500.

Only Incubator with, In-house SaaS Platform expertise & Tech Screening capability.

World-class Tech experts

Get in house consulting for Cloud, Ai, IOT, SaaS, UC from best engineers & Data scientists. .

Platforms Models & SaaS Experts

Learn from leaders about Business Models, ones who have lead & launched for fortune 500.

Want to invest in Growth Co's, but not sure about its value, call Us?​

Why Startups?

Startups have emerged as the new Asset Class where, early investing can bring multi-fold returns.

India is the 4th Largest Startup Eco-system in the world with 1.24 Billion Consumers. India stands out as the most attractive Investment hub globally. Investments are usually 7X Cheaper than US with returns avg > 10X scale for Early Investors.


  • Strict Selection Process to select Startups with > 10X impact.

  • Startup Team is evaluated on Team, Agility, Impact, Synergy.

  • Disruptive business model solving for Big problems.

  • Differentiated Technology enabled.

  • Revenue and Scale oriented. Min Rev of $100k+ Annually.

  • 360 Training through StartupXY workout Program


Create 10X Value.

Align your funds to Value.

Book, your coffee.

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